Got unwanted jewelry? Time to get off your idle assets.
Your jewelry is real wealth. If it’s no longer useful, it can be turned into cash to use for other things.
Have you ever cleaned out a drawer or a closet and found something you thought you lost or forgot you had? A toy from your childhood, an old letter, or a vacation memento. Remember how your heart took a little leap?
What about old jewelry? It’s like finding spare change at the bottom of the drawer, only better.
It could be a piece you wore a long time ago or inherited jewelry you could never wear. A ring from an old relationship. Or half an earring pair, or a broken bracelet or neck chain.
How did it feel to put jewelry away without deciding what to do with it? How does it feel to find it again?
A swirl of feelings may accompany these acts. In a sense, jewelry is the most intimate thing we wear. It can carry meaning like no other material object. With that meaning often come strong, sometimes conflicting emotions.
So when you put your jewelry away, you may have known you were keeping it for good. It isn’t always a matter of wearing it, but what it means, or might mean, to you or someone else — a child or grandchild, or a sibling or some other relative.
For others, the time wasn’t right to decide what to do with it. After months or years pass and the jewelry is revisited, lingering doubts may be resolved — or aroused once again.
(If you’ve always known you should sell your jewelry, but didn’t know where to begin, this post is also for you.)
Should you turn this jewelry into money for other things, important things — a car or an education? Convert it into one of life’s pleasures, like a vacation?
One thing is certain: your hands are on forgotten assets. Your assets. And they’re sitting idle. You probably wondered what you have and how much it’s worth. Now it’s time to find out.
You should know that I am Oklahoma’s only professional gemologist-appraiser specializing in prompt, discreet liquidations in international markets. Through 33 years, I’ve helped more than a thousand people in your situation.
What makes my jewelry brokerage service different? I can say it this way: Instead of buying your jewelry from you for as little money as possible, I sell it for you for as much as possible.
Another difference. I always ask: Are you better off selling your jewelry locally, on your own, to or through someone else? If so, rather than working with me, I help you get there.
And I’ve helped people figure out that they don’t want to sell their jewelry at all. Not everyone knows this until they’re faced with the real possibility, and that’s a good outcome. Helping you know what you really want is success for both of us.
Whether you have diamonds and jewelry of high value or small amounts of scrap gold and silver, many pieces or just one, I handle them as a service to our community and my clients: Oklahoma individuals, estates and heirs, bankers and lawyers, and trusts and charities.
You see, I take seriously the question of selling your jewelry. If you decide to do so, my brokerage service offers you many options. I welcome you to call or email me today to learn more about all of them.
To begin the process, I have refined a valuation service called a Broker’s Price Opinion. If you would like to learn more about how it works, please go here for more information.
Remember, your jewelry is real wealth. It can be redeemed to use for things that mean the most in your life if it is no longer useful to you in its present form.